About Our Company

Quantum Xcel Company was founded in 2010 to be facilitate the exploration of business ideas by the ownere Rahn Heart. Initially the focus was on customizing vehicles with the major R and D focus on incorporating a 10,000 hp engine into a commerical sports car. Although we came very close to building a mock up of this vehicle the project as been put on hold and Corvette has since come out with a very similar rear engine model to what we were going to produce.

One of the logical options for business expansion was items like UTV's and mountain bikes presented an interesting opportunity and we related to our initial endeavors in the sports car field. Electric vehicles of all types are a hot topic these days so we have decided to focus on opportuniies in the electric vehicle markets. We created Quantum Xcel eMotors LLC to delineate this effort for accounting and liability purposes.

The motor vehicle industry as a whole presents any company with a host of challenges because of the miriad of government regulations that need to be dealt with. Most of these came of our the need to insure a certain level of safety with regard to the construction of the vehicle which is an effort to mininimize death and unjury to vehicle operators. These regulations are both state and national in scope and have resulted in the need to estabhish government approved dealerships for the sales of vehicles in the US. In addition the need for parts and service availability is also part of the safety mandates necessitating the creation of dealerships to fill this need.

It is our intention to market out products through an authroized dealer distribution system and to meet or exceed any and all safety and registration requirements currently in place by our state and local governments.

“Every journey begins with a first step down the highway to success. We hope you will be interested in supporting our effort to bring a high quality electric vehicle to market at a reasonable price.”